Specialisterne Foundation kutsub osalema virtuaalsel üritusel 8.aprillil tähistamaks ülemaailmselt autismipäeva:

I am thrilled to invite you to the 2021 World Autism Awareness Day

Observance, which will be hosted virtually on April 8 2021, in collaboration with Specialisterne Foundation, the UN Department of Global Communications and the UN Department of Economics and Social Affairs.

This year’s theme will be ‘Inclusion in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities in a Post-Pandemic World’. The virtual event will address the inequalities that are exposed and heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic and it will include moderated panel discussions with individuals on the autism spectrum who have themselves experienced the challenges and seen new opportunities in the employment market.

Please register here


or by clicking the image below. Feel free to extend this invitation to your network and colleagues.

For more information about the event, click here

https://specialisternefoundation.com/the-2021-world-autism-awareness-day/ .

We look forward to celebrating this day with you.